You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.5. INVENTORY Menu: Purchasing and Stock Control > 1.5.14. Inventory - Adjustments > Inventory - Adjustments - Stocktake > Entering the Stocktake Count > Entering the Stocktake Count - Serialised
Entering the Stocktake Count - Serialised

When you create a batch and select Stocktake with Serial Numbers as the Stocktake Method, Micronet automatically tests items to ensure that they are in fact serialised or batched stock lines as set up in your Item master file (Purchasing tab). With this method, you have the choice to enter your part number or serial numbers manually or have Micronet pre-load the current stock and serial details for you before you enter the new count details.



You cannot continue to trade while conducting a stocktake of serialised items. The stocktake must be completed and all stocktake batches posted before resuming trade. If transactions are processed during the stocktake, it will cause a GL variance which will need to be journalled.

To perform a stocktake using serial numbers:

  1. Display the Stocktake Batch screen showing all the serialised items in the batch.

Refer to "Creating a New Stocktake Batch" or "Recalling a Stocktake Batch".

  1. Double click on an item that you want to edit at the left of the screen, or select an item and then press Enter.

Micronet displays the Stocktake Serial Numbers screen over the top of the Enter Stocktake Line screen.


Technical Tip

2.8 Feature

If you imported the stocktake counts from a file and the stocktake file contained quantities in pallets, cartons or pieces (see "Stocktake Batch - Edit - Load from File (v2.8)"), you will see that Micronet has converted the quantities to square metres as set up for the item on the Extra tab in the Inventory master file (see "File - Inventory - Extra").

  1. Complete the following fields:






Micronet displays the selected item.


Original Qty

Micronet displays the quantity of the item when the batch was first created.


Current Qty

Micronet displays the current quantity of the item.


First Count

When you have completed the first physical stocktake count on this item, Micronet displays the first count quantity. (The following steps explain how to update the First Count and Second Qty fields.)


Second Qty

If you have completed a second physical stocktake count on this item, Micronet displays the second count quantity.


Use Weight and P/Units

Check this box if, when you enter the stocktake count quantity on the next screen, you want to enter the quantity in purchase units (e.g. by carton or by weight) rather than in sales units (e.g. by each or by lineal metre).

  1. If you want to:

Micronet displays the Enter Serial Numbers screen.

  1. Complete the following fields:





Serial Number

Micronet displays the selected serial number. If you are adding a new serial number, or the serial number is blank, you can enter a serial number.


Bin Location

Micronet displays the bin location for the item. If you are adding a new serial number, enter the bin location. You can also change the bin location.



Micronet displays the cost price of the item. If you are adding a new serial number, enter the cost price.

2.8 Feature

If you enter a new serial number without entering a cost price, Micronet displays a warning and asks if you want to continue.




Be aware that entering a new serial number for an item without entering a cost price will affect your average costs.



Sales Unit Quantity

If you did not check the Use Weight and P/Units box on the Stocktake Serial Numbers screen, enter the stocktake count quantity for the selected serial number in sales units.

For example, if you purchase the item by the carton but sell per each (e.g. 12 items per carton), enter the quantity of individual items, not the number of cartons.

(In Micronet v2.7, this field name is Quantity.)



Technical Tip

For tile products, as soon as you press Tab or Enter in this field, Micronet displays the Edit Units - Tiles/Pieces screen where you can enter the tile quantities.




If you did check the Use Weight and P/Units box on the Stocktake Serial Numbers screen, enter the stocktake count quantity for the selected serial number in purchase units. This might be a weight, a number of cartons, etc.

For example, if you purchase the item by weight, enter the weight, even if you sell the items individually or in lineal metres. If you purchase the item by the carton, enter the number of cartons, even if you sell the items individually.


Total Sales Units

Micronet displays the total quantity of the item in sales units.

If you entered the count quantity in sales units (Quantity field), the Total Quantity is the same.

If you entered the count quantity in purchase units (P/Units field), the Total Quantity is the P/Units you entered divided by the Purchase Units (conversion factor). For example, if you entered a weight, this might show the lineal metres. If you entered a number of cartons, this would show the individual items.

(In Micronet v2.7, this field name is Total Quantity.)


Average Cost

Micronet displays the average cost of the item.


P/Units Conversion Factor

Micronet displays the purchase units conversion factor for the item as entered in the Purchase Units field on the Item Update screen - Purchasing tab – see "File - Inventory - Purchasing".

(In Micronet v2.7, this field name is Purchase Units.)

  1. Select the Accept button.
  1. If you added a serial number, Micronet redisplays the Enter Serial Numbers screen so you can continue adding or maintaining serial numbers. When you have finished adding and maintaining serial numbers, select the Cancel button to close the Enter Serial Numbers screen.

Micronet redisplays the Stocktake Serial Numbers screen and updates the serial number record.


Technical Tip

You can redisplay the Stocktake Serial Numbers screen for the displayed item by selecting SERIAL on the menu bar.

  1. To enter the count quantity for another serial number for the item, repeat steps 4 to 7.
  2. When you have finished entering count quantities for the item, select the Ok button on the Stocktake Serial Numbers screen.

Micronet redisplays the Enter Stocktake Line screen with the updated stocktake quantities.

  1. Select the Accept button.

Micronet updates the item record and redisplays the Stocktake Serial Numbers screen with the next stocktake item.

  1. Repeat the steps above to enter the count quantities for each item and each serial number (and bin location) in the batch.


Technical Tip

  • The quantity in the First Count field on the Enter Stocktake Line screen must match the serial number quantity – i.e. if you change the First Count quantity, you must make a corresponding change to the serial number quanity.
  • You can also select the Cancel button to close the Enter Stocktake Line screen at any time and then select FILE | HOLD to save your changes to that point. This allows you to continue entering the stocktake counts at a later time.
  1. When you have finished entering the stocktake counts for all items in the batch, select Ok on the Stocktake Serial Numbers screen.

Micronet redisplays the Enter Stocktake Line screen.

  1. When you have finished with the Enter Stocktake Line screen, select Cancel.

Micronet redisplays the Stocktake Batch screen.

You should now print a Stocktake Processing Report, create a variance batch if required, and then post the batch.